Ologundê (Brazil)

Afro-Brazilian Music and Dance

“When Ologundê members perform, color, clamor and captivation are the order of the day.” – Santa Fe New Mexican

Ologundê celebrates the rich Afro-Brazilian culture of Salvador, Bahia through music, dance and martial arts. Under the direction of noted percussionist Dendê, of the famed Timbalada band, Ologundê explores a diverse repertoire which includes candomblé, a synthesis of Yoruba and Catholic religious performance rituals, the breathtaking capoeira, a martial arts dance which employs acrobatic movements, maculêlê, a warrior dance which utilizes sticks and machetes, and the exhilarating samba de roda, a spontaneous dance which can be traced back to Angola. Ologundê has toured throughout the United States including noteworthy performances at Popejoy Hall at the University of New Mexico and The CityFolk Festival in Ohio. Most notably, Ologundê toured Greece as part of the Cultural Olympiad in 2002, appearing at The Kalamata Dance Festival and The Athens Festival at the Acropolis.

Ensemble: 8-15 musicians and dancers
From The Americas
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